What’s It Like Being A TEDx Speaker?
Did I really deliver a TEDx talk? 5 months ago I was up there, standing on the red spot, on the TEDx stage talking about AI and compassion. Lots of people have asked me what it was like so I thought I’d share, but as the experience was much bigger than

Riding The Rollercoaster Of Imposter Syndrome
Last week I submitted a talk to TEDx! Cue a whole range of emotions. At first, it was so exciting! Finally – a chance to reach more people with the ideas and insights I’ve had. What an amazing opportunity! Then I found out what was needed and got scared – the schedule was

What if it’s Ok Just To Be Me?
This is such a simple question, and yet how many of us are spending time and energy trying to manage ourselves to be something better than we are? We put on a mask, create a persona, act “as if”… Why is it so difficult to show up and just be

Are you mistaking urgency for importance?
There will always be more stuff to do than there is time available to do it. And when we feel busy, it’s amazing how much more there seems to be to do. The pressure piles on, things on the to-do list multiply, and we get drawn into the details of trying

Do You See Yourself As A Leader?
I used to think that leadership was something special. I thought it was hard, and that there were certain people who were born to be leaders and I wasn’t one of them. I was more a do-er – someone who followed instructions, but not the person leading the way. I

Reflections On a Tough year
I took the leap into self-employment back in 2019. It wasn’t the best timing, but how was I to know that 6 months later there would be a global pandemic?! 2020 was tough, but from it, some amazing things were born – I created my Authentic Tech Leaders Mentorship programme,

Forget Resolutions – Connect With Your Why
Does this sound familiar? “This year is going to be different!I’m going to set my resolutions and make myself stick to them!I’m determined to make them happen!” I’ve said similar things to myself many times over the years – and heard so many of my friends and my clients say

How Could Increasing Your Visibility Help You?
If you’re wondering if you have the time to get out there and be more visible (let alone join my visibility challenge next week), then let me explain why you need to start to make being visible a part of your daily routine. Increasing your visibility can help you to

Are You Communicating Your Value
Do you get frustrated by the lack of recognition for all your hard work? When you’ve put in the hours, and gone the extra mile to make a difference, it can feel so disheartening when nobody seems to notice. But while it feels like “they” should know the impact of