What Stops You From Promoting Yourself?
Why is it that we find it so easy to criticise ourselves, and so difficult to brag? Ask someone to tell you what they are good at, and more often than not they struggle. After a period of embarrassment, they might mumble something quietly, or change the topic of conversation, or dismiss

Can Opinions Hurt You?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” I don’t know how many times I chanted this when I was younger. Sometimes to friends when they were messing around, sometimes to my brother when he was teasing me and, more often, in my head when

How Do You Cope When Life Gets Out Of Control?
Life is messy. No matter how much effort you put into getting things organised and under control, there’s always something that can come along and throw it all into chaos. If we believe that we need to have everything sorted in order to be confident in our ability to deliver,

Do You Have The Qualities Of An Authentic Leader?
In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m passionate about authentic leadership: showing up and leading others while remaining true to what’s really important, guided by the aim of making the world a better place. We are bombarded from an early age with messages about what it means to be successful, and the type of person

Finding Your Authentic Spark
When I was starting up my coaching business my initial focus was on helping people with stress and overwhelm. I could see the impact all that intense thinking was having on the way they showed up – suffocating their natural spark, and taking them out of the game. But the more I

What If You Didn’t Need To Work On Your Confidence?
I can’t count the number of times people have told me “you should be more confident”. It wasn’t helpful – it just made me more self-conscious about how they were perceiving me. But I’ve also had loads of people tell me they think I’m really confident person when inside I’m feeling really uncertain about

Do You Appreciate How Amazing You Are?
Today is one of my scheduled days off from walking on my trip across the country from coast to coast. My journey has been stunning so far – beautiful weather, with amazing views as I walked across the Lake District. But it’s been hot, I’ve been carrying an 18kg pack, and

The Power Of Being Fully Charged
There’s a magic that seems to happen when I’m looking after myself. Not necessarily in the traditional self care sense of yoga, mediation and eating well, but when I’m listening to myself and following what I’m drawn to. When I’m putting myself first, everything in life seems a bit clearer,

Do You Look After Yourself?
One of the most impactful things I’ve learned over the last few years is to get better at looking after myself. I used to think that I had to satisfy everyone else’s needs before my own. I would burn myself out trying to keep everyone else happy and be worried about