Photo of Emma speaking at an event

Could You Be An Inspiration For Others?

When I first started my business, it wasn’t initially focused on supporting women in tech, I was looking much more broadly at supporting stressed business owners. 

Then, in September 2019 I attended the Women In Games conference and I had a massive insight.  

As I listened to several talks about computer games that had been designed by predominantly female teams, I noticed how different these games were from the norm, and how they appealed to me much more. 

In those design teams where women were leading and had a voice, new ideas, approaches and innovations were emerging. Different stories were being told and these games were having an impact in a new way. 

I’ve always been a champion for equality in the workplace because it felt like the right thing, but suddenly I saw it as more.

I realised that while games and tech remain male-dominated environments in which women (and other marginalised groups) feel unable to speak out, there are so many ideas being missed that could add so much value to people’s lives. 

At that moment my focus shifted! I realised that with my background and experience as a leader, coach and a woman who has worked in tech, I could help other women to speak up, share their ideas and add their value:  

  • I could help them discover the confidence they needed to get their ideas listened to, even when those around them didn’t understand. 
  • I could help them to speak out about what they were passionate about instead of feeling like they needed to adapt and adjust themselves to fit in.
  • I could help them to connect with one another so that they could share ideas and support each other in expressing themselves.
  • I could help more women step up and be authentic leaders, and become role models to inspire more to do the same

And that’s what became my mission – to speak out, be visible and inspire you to get out there and inspire others like you – creating a ripple effect throughout the tech world! 

I’ll be completely honest – the self-doubt creeps in at times: 

  • Who am I to think I can inspire you? 
  • What can I offer that others aren’t already? 
  • What difference can I really make? 


But over the last 3 years, I’ve worked with many women whose lives have transformed as I’ve helped them to value themselves and what they offer. I’ve seen them become more confident and resilient in speaking out about what they believe in, and I’ve seen their inspiration ripple through to others. 

As they step up and become more visible, they inspire others to do the same. 

Those women who stepped up and shared their experiences at the Women In Games conference had a massive impact on me, and now that’s rippling out to others. Just reaching one person can make such a huge difference! 

So here’s my call out to you to capture the energy of my ripple and start to create your own. 

Get out there, be visible and find your way of inspiring others. 

You don’t need to do what I do. Experiment and discover your way, follow what you are drawn towards, and notice who you could inspire.

If you’d like some support to get started and be visible in a strategic way, come over and join my free 5-day visibility challenge

Each day, I be share practical, simple tips which you can implement straight away to help you be more visible and inspire others based on what you are passionate about, delivered direct to your inbox. Sign up here now!